Wednesday 5 September 2012

Room 3 Exercise

The new data projector is great - we can do Jump Jam in the class!!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. You will love having a data projector in the classroom - we use our all the time!
    Dana said, "You will be able to learn lots of new moves,"
    Alex and Scout said, "I think you are having lots and lots of fun doing Jump Jam."
    James said, "I hope you learn a lot of new things with the data projector."
    Amelia said, "You will get puffed out doing all that Jump Jam."
    Kalani-Jack said, "We enjoy doing Jump Jam too."
    Emelia and Rosa said, "Data projectors are very helpful. It is easier for the teacher to show the children things on the computer."
    Ed said, "Sweet grooves!"
    tom sais' I like your moves."
    from Room 3, St Albans Catholic School

  2. that looks so muh fun!railynnetta from St Annes School

  3. cool jump jam .

    Harley St Anne's


  4. That jump jam looks so much fun.I would want to do that.Paige.St Annes.

  5. At St Anne's we are always switching on our class projector. We can watch things off You Tube, do maths, and we use it to help each other learn how to do things.
    We even put blogs up to have a look at....
