Monday 10 December 2012

Room 5 Share their French Books!

 Sam sharing his book to Jhardel.
 Harvey sharing his book with Valentine.
Zora sharing her book with Amby.
 Luke sharing his book with Owen.
 Zac sharing his book with Jonathan.
 Bobby-Jo sharing his book with Braithon.
 Maria sharing her book with Genevieve.
 Keisha sharing her book with Amy.
 Daniel sharing his book with Memphis.
 Tsuyoshi sharing his book with Vimby.
 Mitchell sharing his book with Patrick.
 Olivia sharing her book with Betsity.
 Isra and Rutendo sharing their books with Amanda.
 Cameron sharing her book with Aaron.
Callum sharing his book with Conor.

Thank you so much Room 5 - these books you have written are awesome!!!

Thursday 6 December 2012

What is that Strange Light coming from behind the Whiteboard? By Patrick

What is the strange light coming from behind the whiteboard? By Patrick.
“What is that strange light coming from behind my whiteboard?”  I say to myself.  Maybe it is just my little sister Emily. 
“Stop playing around Emily.”
“I am playing with my dolly’s” she says. 
Then I wonder what it is so I go see what it is behind the whiteboard.  There was nothing.  So I sat down continuing to watching T.V.
It came back so I looked at it again.  It went away.  Then I continue watching T.V.  There it is again.  I went to my mum. 
She said “what?” 
“Come with me.  Look at the strange light.” 
“Maybe it is the sun.” 
“No it isn’t.” 
“Then I don’t know.  Have you seen Emily’s torch?”
I looked again.  Yes it was the torch. 
“Thank you.” 
The batteries were almost flat and that is why it was flickering.