Friday 14 February 2014

Literacy in Room 3

We have 4 literacy groups in Room 3. We are learning to describe a character in depth. We know we can do this when: we use description - physical, personality, behaviour, and we use detail.

Group 4 found this easy to do and were extended by learning to describe a scene that their character would encounter.

Valentine did extremely well at this and was picked to read her scene description out at assembly. Read her work below and see what you think!

My eyes stare wonderfully at the beautiful view of the Oozeville Forrest. The bright blue sky is clear and peaceful apart from the soft dreamy white clouds. Magnificent trees of all sorts stand in the middle of the forest growing delicious fruits. A few meters away lies a clear spring pond. Golden goldfish reflect like light in the water. Flowers of all different colours bloom decorating the soft grassy surface. A wonderful smell of lavender and honey fill my nostrils. Pink and purple butterflies flap their splendid wings dancing around the sunflowers. A cute family of friendly squirrels rush past as a pure white goose waddles it's way to the pond. A fluffy raven sings cheerfully to an adorable rabbit down below. The grass feels very soft on my bare feet like soft feathers and the shinning sun sends a joyful feeling through me warming my skin. The rose petals feel smooth and relaxing against my fingertips. The grass feels softer on my hands than on my feet. The pine ones feel rough, but to my surprise the feeling of the tree is somewhat comforting. Near the daisies, the sound of bees fill my happy ears. I walk to the poppies and listen to the magnificent sounds of the singing birds.

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Inquiry in Room 3

We are practicing our research skills for our inquiry on plants.....

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Thursday 13 February 2014

Maths in room 3

We are making colour spinners to see which colour is more likely to occur.

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Wednesday 12 February 2014

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Room 3 at work deciding & drawing "their" image of Jesus ...... these images will appear soon .....

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Word clouds

These are word clouds we made about our hopes, fears and dreams ..... they are worth a look at!

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