Wednesday 25 July 2012

Dreaming in Words - Braille

Jade, Braithon and Vimby read an article Dreaming in Words about a boy who is blind. Mrs Anthony thought we could Braille a picture book and brought her brailler to school. We planned, wrote a draft, and brailled a book for Room. Here are photos of us in the process. Mrs Anthony will take more photos when we put the book together!

Braille in the journal

This says: The tiny mouse.


  1. Dear Room 3

    You are very clever to write a book in Braille. It would be great to learn Braille.

    From Room 3
    St Albans Catholic School

  2. Looks like St. Mary's is as creative as ever! The now Omokoroa Topp's.

  3. I am so impressed with the book that you are creating. What a talented class!
    From Mandy

  4. vimby jade and braithon i am so proud of you 3 people that means that you guys must be geting smarter and smater each day
